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10 Mind-Blowing Facts About How The Brain Works



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As the control center for our body and mind, the brain is perhaps one of the most fascinating organs out there. Scientists are still uncovering new ways in which the brain works, even mysteries that had been previously solved. Here are ten mind-blowing facts about this amazing organ:

1. We use only 10% of our brain

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The myth of the 10% brain use is one that has been around for a long time. It’s often used as an excuse for people not to try new things or to give up on something they are bad at. However, recent studies have shown that this number is actually much higher. It’s true that we use only a small portion of our brains to complete everyday tasks. But that doesn’t mean that the other 90% is useless. In fact, the majority of the brain is used for processes like memory and thinking. So the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed.

2. The Brain can't do multi-tasking     

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Everyone knows that multitasking is a myth, right? While it may seem that you’re effectively using your time by doing multiple things at once, science has proven that you actually cannot focus on more than one thing at a time. When people say they’re multi-tasking, what they usually mean is that they’re rapidly switching back and forth between different tasks or information streams. This might feel like multi-tasking to us, but our brains can only do one thing at a time and we have to take short breaks in order to shift our attention from task to task.

 3. The Brain is sensitive to emotions  

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The brain is very sensitive to emotions and can be easily influenced by them. When people are happy, their brains release a chemical called dopamine, which makes them feel good. When people are sad, their brains release a chemical called cortisol, which makes them feel bad.

 4. It is possible to teach people to respond more quickly by using only one side of their brain     

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Something that was once thought to be impossible. The left hemisphere of our brain controls language and logical thinking, while the right side is used for visual and spatial recognition. Researchers from San Diego State University found that using only one hemisphere at a time allows us to respond more quickly than if we were using both sides of our brain simultaneously.

5. Gender affects the Brain

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Gender also appears to affect the way the brain processes information. For example, women are better at multitasking and remembering faces, while men are better at processing spatial information and solving problems. These differences likely arise from the different ways in which the male and female brains are wired.   

 6. Even when asleep, your brain is more active than when you are awake    

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A process called sleep spindles controls memory and learning. This is an excerpt from Brain Rules, a book written by Neuroscientist John Medina. He says: In one experiment in my lab, electrodes were implanted in humans' brains while they slept so we could detect activity patterns associated with certain types of memory. We found that slow brain waves fired during deep sleep seem to cement memories of facts learned just before bedtime such as vocabulary words or lists of paired items into long-term storage. Slower brain waves during REM sleep appear to strengthen memories of facts learned earlier in the day.  

7. The Brain remembers everything?   

The human brain can remember everything that happens to us - but our working memory only retains 40 bits of information for about 20 seconds. But researchers have now found a way to boost it by 50 per cent, allowing them to store around six items in short term memory. They believe there could be potential implications for future treatments for conditions like Alzheimer's and schizophrenia, which are associated with lapses in memory.  

8. Each Brain has its own fingerprint, like a snowflake                
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There are an estimated 86 billion neurons in the human brain. Each one has its own unique fingerprint, just like a snowflake. This means that each person’s brain is different, and no two brains are alike. This is incredible news because it means that each of us has the potential to be creative and innovative in our own way. We all have the ability to think differently and come up with new ideas. The next time you feel stuck or like you can’t come up with anything new, remember that your brain is unique and there’s no one else in.

9. The Brain is Constantly Active    

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The brain is constantly active even when people are asleep. In a study published in the journal Nature, scientists found that while people were sleeping, their brains were constantly active, even when they were in a deep sleep. The study used a type of MRI scanner called functional MRI (fMRI) to measure the brain activity of nine people as they slept. The results showed that the brain was constantly active, even when people were in a deep sleep. The team also found that different parts of the brain were active at different times during sleep.

10. Can we change our Brains?   

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The answer to this question is still being studied, but scientists are working hard to figure it out. Studies have shown that our brains are plastic, meaning they can change and grow throughout our lives. This means that we may be able to train our brains to be better at certain things or even change our personalities.




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