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How To Control Diabetes Naturally

7 Healthy Foods to Control Diabetes

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Though there are many medications available to treat diabetes, it’s best to use them only as prescribed by your doctor. While these drugs can help to lower your blood sugar levels, they often come with side effects that can compromise your health and well-being. Instead of using the medication, you should work on controlling your diabetes naturally by eating the right foods and making healthy lifestyle choices. The following 7 Healthy foods are all known to aid in the management of diabetes; pick them up at your local supermarket or farmers market and incorporate them into your diet immediately!

1) Olive oil              

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When it comes to diabetes, perhaps there’s no more beneficial food than olive oil. That’s because it contains powerful antioxidants that help regulate blood sugar. Specifically, one study found that monounsaturated fatty acids like those found in olive oil and sunflower oil helped lower fasting blood glucose levels among patients with type 2 diabetes. Another study in Spain found that olive oil may even help people with pre-diabetes return their blood sugar levels back to normal.

2) Grapefruit       

Grapefruit is a good source of vitamin C, fiber and potassium. One cup of grapefruit also provides nearly 100 percent of your daily need for vitamin A. It also contains naringenin, a chemical compound found in grapefruit that may help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes by enhancing insulin secretion and increasing insulin sensitivity.

3) Yogurt

Yogurt is a good source of calcium, which helps build stronger bones and prevent osteoporosis. It’s also high in

protein and probiotics, both essential for gut health and your immune system. Stick with plain Greek yogurt and avoid flavored yogurts, which are full of added sugars. Instead, add fresh fruit or chia seeds for sweetness.

4) Oatmeal      

This is a whole grain that helps stabilize blood sugar levels and decreases overall cholesterol. It’s also an excellent source of fiber and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Oatmeal is among some of best foods for diabetics.

5) Barley     

Barley is a great addition to any diet. It contains chromium, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels naturally. The fiber in barley helps slow glucose absorption and keep your body from storing excess calories as fat. Barley also has B vitamins that support your body’s ability to produce insulin and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. You should try cooking barley like oatmeal or including it in soups and stews for added flavor and health benefits.

6) Beans      

A cup of beans contains only about 100 calories, but it’s an excellent source of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber can help lower blood sugar levels and may reduce insulin resistance, which is associated with diabetes. There are several kinds of beans, but eating more kidney beans may be especially beneficial for people with diabetes. Just one cup of cooked kidney beans has more than 16 grams of protein.

7) Bell peppers    

Red bell peppers contain a hefty amount of Vitamin C, which is critical for proper insulin function. A 2003 study published in Diabetes Care found that diabetic patients who consumed at least one serving of tomatoes or tomato-based products per day had 37 percent lower fasting glucose levels than those who didn’t. Bell peppers are an easy and delicious way to increase your intake of Vitamin C.


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