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                 It's no secret that fast food is unhealthy. It's also no secret that we're a nation of fast food lovers. Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of people know that fast food is bad for them, we can't seem to help ourselves. In this blog, we'll take a look at some of the science behind our love affair with fast food and why it's such a tough habit to break.

                   FAST FOOD REALITY

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             We think that when we start talking about fast food, we're referring to a specific type of food: burgers, fries, chicken sandwiches, and French fries. However, those are only two types of foods provided by fast-food restaurants. If you want to know how fast food kills us, look no further than what many people eat each day. It's not just "good for you" food; some of it is dangerous to our bodies and health.  



              If these foods were made with quality ingredients, if they were made with respect for others, or if we would even let them be consumed at all, we wouldn't be living in such a hellish world. Unfortunately, due to poor nutritional ingredients,
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processed meats, trans fats, additives, and harmful packaging materials, our kids' future generations will suffer from these kinds of products. It's terrible. It is also straightforward to get.

        While you're enjoying your latest burger, you open up the packet. There are over 100 different brands of hamburgers that are available today. Some of the most popular ones offer meat in almost every size and shape imaginable. What makes this so terrible? Not surprisingly, the majority of the hamburger buns are produced using either the same cheap process developed more than 50 years ago or the same old, tired meat and seasoning combinations.


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Fast food is not suitable for your body. Your body shouldn't be a target for junk food-type meals. But fast-food companies have figured out ways to make their products look better than ever before. And sadly, they've gotten pretty greedy. They advertise things like "health food" and "good for the soul". Instead of eating healthy, nutritious food, I strongly encourage my readers to try to find products that help improve overall health and longevity. 
       Try going to your local grocery store and buying fresh produce instead of frozen ones. Don't forget to purchase fair trade goods if you want to buy appropriate trade products. Also, make sure that whenever you see the term "health food", it includes whole foods, unprocessed vegetables, fruits, grains, herbs, and spices.


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               Most importantly, choose healthy versions of all your favorite flavors and cook meals that aren't made with sugar. That means you'll want to avoid sugary snacks, sodas, and other sweetened items. When I was in college, I learned about the importance of consuming high-fiber foods. Being able to digest food in its natural state is important, so limit your intake of unhealthy sweeteners.In addition, try to go back to basics when making meals by simply adding a little bit of extra protein (like eggs) or some kind of fat to keep things filling. These few suggestions won't put a dent in the issues or your wallet, but they should be enough to make sure that your body isn't suffering.


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    While it seems silly at first, one can quickly begin reducing your calorie intake by 5% if you cut down on your diet and start doing things differently. Although changing habits takes time, once we're focused on changing these behaviours, we will soon see changes being seen in everything we eat. Whether we choose healthier options, learn to cook better, or stop being so hard on ourselves, we will eventually notice the improvements.


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Ultimately, we all deserve to live with less pain and better health. This is the way forward in the medical field. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can start seeing these results sooner and earlier. So, don't be afraid to give it a shot! With the right approach, you may just see drastic changes in your life.


                  Make small shifts in your diet to change your body and mind. Start with smaller adjustments in your daily routine and see where things are working. Once you have an idea of those patterns, create new routines from scratch. Change your shopping habits to reflect on a better lifestyle that doesn't involve alcohol or sugar. Let yourself fall in love to eat and drink, then switch to healthier versions that make you feel nourished while giving your body the nutrients to stay healthy. Make smarter decisions. Learn to make smarter decisions when you need to choose something like a snack or a dessert. 


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With this in mind, we must take the impact of this horrible issue seriously, especially on young people. We can work together to stop the spread of this disease, not just in Pakistan but worldwide. It's a fight for our planet, just like smoking cigarettes, participating in the war against terrorism, or drinking alcohol. Take care of your own mental health as you work to combat the effects of this epidemic. By understanding the connection between nutrition, and physical and psychological well-being, we will have a better chance of stopping this disease from continuing to grow.



  1. That so true man we need to think about it...good job👌🏻


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