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7 Easy Ways to Prevent Obesity in Children

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The rise of childhood obesity has become an alarming situation worldwide, with obese children living in nearly every country around the world. Because of this, it’s important to take action to prevent overweight and obesity in children. Here are seven simple things you can do to help your child avoid becoming one of the 17 million obese children in the United States alone.

1) Eliminate junk food  

One of the simplest ways to prevent childhood obesity is simply by eliminating junk food. If you don’t stock your house with empty calories, your kids probably won’t eat them. This may sound hard-line, but if you really think about it—where do children usually get their sugary snacks? It’s usually from either school or home. So don’t buy chips, candy bars and sodas—and they won’t eat them. Pretty simple!

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2) Eat more vegetables

 Research has found that children who consume vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables) have a lower BMI than those who do not. Vegetables and fruits have fiber, which keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time and prevents binge-eating later on. Aim for at least five servings of veggies a day. You can also get fiber from beans, whole grains, or bran cereal; anything whole or natural will be a good choice!

3) Limit their screen time  

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A recent study found that kids who spent more time watching TV, playing video games and using other electronic devices were more likely to be overweight. Reducing your child’s screen time or better yet, eliminating it altogether can help them burn off some of those extra calories as well as help them be healthier overall. As you might expect, computers and video games are associated with weight gain as are animated movies like Frozen.

4) Promote Physical Activity     

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                           According to a study published in 2014, active kids were 31 percent less likely to be obese than children who weren’t getting enough exercise. While we don’t all have time for daily afternoon soccer practices, we can still encourage our kids (and ourselves) to get moving throughout the day. Instead of driving everywhere, walk when you can. Hop on an exercise bike while watching TV and park further away from your destination at work or home. Even a small amount of extra activity adds up over time.

5) Encourage Family Meals   

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Eating together as a family is not only a great way to spend time with your children, but it also sets a strong example for healthy eating habits. By having regular meals with your family and encouraging conversation around food, you’re teaching your kids valuable lessons that they can apply later on. And if you eat regularly at home, they’ll get used to recognizing when they’re hungry and satisfied.

6) Be aware of weight status

When children are overweight or obese, that’s a red flag for future health problems. Monitoring your child’s weight and helping them develop healthy habits will protect their bodies and minds, improve quality of life and reduce risks for disease later on. If you’re concerned about your child’s weight, speak with a doctor right away; it may be time to make some changes.

7)Stop sugary drinks

 They are the major source of added sugar in kids’ diets. In fact, 3 out of 4 children get too much-added sugar from drinks. They can lead to cavities and leave kids feeling hungry before their next meal. To keep your child healthy, limit sugary drinks, fruit juices and sodas alike and try milk or water instead.



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