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10 Warning signs of Heart attack in men and women

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 If you or someone else experience one or more of these 10 warning signs of a heart attack, don’t panic! While it’s unlikely that it’s an actual heart attack, it’s important to seek medical attention right away to avoid further complications. Here are the 10 warning signs of a heart attack in men and women.

1) Chest pain     

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There are two types of chest pain, non-anginal and anginal. Non-anginal chest pain is pain caused by factors other than coronary artery diseases, such as acid reflux disease or heartburn. Anginal chest pain is caused by coronary artery disease. More than 75 percent of people who experience angina have what is called stable angina. It usually occurs at rest or with exercise but goes away with aspirin or a nitroglycerin tablet. About 25 percent have unstable angina, which occurs more frequently at rest than with exercise, does not respond to nitroglycerin and causes severe, prolonged discomfort that lasts more than 10 minutes if untreated.

2) Abdominal discomfort    

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Many people believe heart attacks only happen to men. While it’s true that most heart attacks are seen in men, women should never discount their symptoms or brush them off as something else. When experiencing abdominal discomfort or chest pains, it’s important to call 9-1-1 immediately. If you get treatment within three hours, up to 75 percent of your heart muscle can be saved. The earlier you receive treatment, the better chance you have of recovery.

3) Shoulder, jaw, arm, or back pain  

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One of the biggest differences between a heart attack in men and women is where it hurts. Women are more likely to feel pain or discomfort on one side of their body, while men tend to have symptoms that affect both sides equally. Arm, shoulder, jaw, or back pain can be signs you’re having a heart attack—and they’re much more common in women than they are in men.

4) Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort   

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By far, shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms that people experience during a heart attack. Shortness of breath can be a symptom at any point in time even long after your heart has begun to heal. If you’re experiencing chest pain along with shortness of breath, call 911 immediately.

5) Extreme fatigue  

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One of the earliest signs of heart attack is extreme fatigue that can’t be explained by anything else, according to The American Heart Association. If you’re experiencing extreme fatigue, it’s important to get checked out. Other early warning signs are arm pain or discomfort, back pain or discomfort, jaw pain or discomfort, and upper abdominal pressure or heaviness. A fast heartbeat is also a major sign of heart attack.

6) Nausea and vomiting    

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Your heart might be trying to tell you something. Nausea, shortness of breath, and a persistent feeling that something is not right—these are just some of the symptoms that heart attack sufferers say they experienced before their heart problems. If you or someone else is experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor immediately.

7) Palpitations, anxiety, or lightheadedness  

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These are all common heart attack symptoms. A heart attack typically feels like intense pressure, tightness, or squeezing pain (usually around your chest area) that gets worse when you take a deep breath or move. You might feel nauseous or lightheaded, have trouble breathing, or experience extreme fatigue. If any of these symptoms occur for no apparent reason especially if you’re already at high risk for heart disease you should seek medical attention immediately.

8) Neck, throat, face, or jaw pain   

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If you’re having chest pain, but it’s concentrated more in your neck, throat, face or jaw instead of your chest wall, that’s a pretty clear-cut sign you might be having a heart attack. Why? Well, because these areas are fed by arteries that come directly from your heart so if those arteries are blocked or ruptured by a blood clot due to plaque buildup, it will show up there first.

9) Sleep disturbances (insomnia)  

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An irregular sleep pattern can be an early warning sign of a heart attack. Changes in breathing during sleep, called Cheyne-Stokes respiration, have been linked to heart problems. Although these are more common in men than women, they may occur at any age. Other early symptoms include chest pain when you’re lying down or coughing up blood.

10) Dehydration  

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Dehydration is a common cause of false heart-attack symptoms. If you’re experiencing chest pain, it’s important to monitor your fluid intake; dehydration can cause swelling in your extremities, giving you a pins-and-needles sensation that can sometimes be mistaken for chest pain. Similarly, if you’re sweating heavily or just emerged from a sauna or hot tub even if it feels nice! You may be dehydrated, which could result in symptoms like dizziness.


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