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The Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods That Will Keep You Looking Young and Fresh


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You don’t have to be old to want to look young and fresh. That’s why we’ve put together the top 10 anti-aging foods that will keep you looking young and full of energy. Whether you’re at home or on the go, eating these foods can help keep your body looking, feeling, and functioning as you age. Here are our favourite anti-aging foods!

1. Papaya

Packed with carotenoids that protect your cells from free radical damage, papaya is one of nature’s best sources of skin rejuvenators. Papain, a compound found in papaya, breaks down proteins which helps it get rid of dead skin and help regenerate new cells. Besides keeping your skin young looking, papaya also has anti-inflammatory properties that are great for reducing the redness associated with pimples. It's one of those rare fruits that taste great even when they're not perfectly ripe.

2. Avocado

High in skin-softening oleic acid, avocados are good for more than just guacamole. By promoting collagen production and rejuvenating dead skin cells, they keep skin smooth, soft, and less prone to wrinkles. And avocados are rich in vitamin E, which plays a role in keeping your eyes healthy. In one study, published in Current Eye Research, people who consumed foods high in vitamin E were found to have better peripheral vision compared with those who did not consume as much of it.

3. Salmon

This fatty fish is great for your heart, skin, eyes, and brain. Omega-3 fatty acids can also protect you from prostate cancer. Load up on salmon (and other fish rich in omega-3s) twice a week to get all of its anti-aging benefits. Eat it with avocado, which is rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that will keep you looking younger!

4. Berries

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Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent premature aging by slowing down oxidative damage. While you can find it in red wine, you can also find it in blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and mulberries. These tasty little fruits are so packed with antioxidants that they even protect against heart disease. Berries are also loaded with vitamin C which protects against cell damage caused by aging. In fact a recent study showed that eating just two servings of berries per week was enough to significantly improve your overall health as well as your appearance.

5. Green tea

The secret to fresh and healthy skin, green tea is full of antioxidants that ward off damaging free radicals. These antioxidants also slow down cellular aging. Just make sure you drink it without added sugar, which can increase inflammation in your body. And don’t go overboard—green tea has about half as much caffeine as coffee, so more isn’t necessarily better. Green tea also contains an amino acid called L-theanine which promotes relaxation, making it a nice way to unwind after a stressful day. Enjoy your cup after dinner or add some to your breakfast smoothie for gentle pick-me-up midday or afternoon snack.

6. Beans, lentils, and peas

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Plant-based proteins (i.e., protein from beans, lentils, peas, quinoa, etc.) are one of our secret weapons for staying young. Research suggests that a diet rich in these proteins can help preserve muscle mass as we age by slowing down muscle loss. To reap their benefits, fill half your plate with beans or lentils at every meal. Legumes are low in calories and high in filling fiber. So you’ll feel fuller longer and have fewer cravings to boot.

7. Nuts

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A handful of nuts every day can go a long way towards a youthful appearance. Nuts are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and Vitamin E. Studies have shown that people who consume nuts on a regular basis are less likely to develop heart disease or cancer. So if you’re looking for healthy, delicious snacks try snacking on almonds, walnuts or cashews rather than candy bars or potato chips.

8. Wheatgrass

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Known as a powerful detoxifier, wheatgrass is great for purifying your blood. Since toxins build up in our body’s cells, by drinking wheatgrass you can rid yourself of those toxins to reduce aging skin issues. Wheatgrass also contains chlorophyll which gives your skin its natural glow. The most efficient way to enjoy wheatgrass is through juicing or smoothies.

9. Pumpkin seeds

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As a good source of zinc, which helps maintain a healthy immune system, pumpkin seeds are an excellent anti-aging food. They’re also rich in vitamin E, which is vital for collagen production. By consuming plenty of these seeds on a regular basis, you’ll keep your skin looking youthful and bright.

10. Hot peppers

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Hot peppers are loaded with capsaicin, a compound that helps stimulate skin cell production. The hotter you like your food, the more effective it will be for getting rid of wrinkles. A 2008 study in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry found that eating chilli peppers can improve dermal thickness, hydration and elasticity. Hot peppers also have anti-inflammatory properties that make them helpful for reducing symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Try them in tacos or stir-fries. For best results, apply hot sauce to the face once a day.


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